WILORA® Connecting Rail — Wire Loop Rail for Wall Connections

WILORA® Connecting Rail is a wire loop connection system for forming joints between precast wall-to-wall or wall-to-column connections. The design allows the transfer of tensile load, transverse shear load, vertical shear load, and combinations of these loads.

WILORA® Connecting Rails are manufactured from profiled steel rail with five wire loops inside that are protected by a deck. The rails are installed on the formwork at the full length of the joint, creating the casting channel with no extra work needed. Fixation to the formwork is simple with basic tools, and less measuring is needed with fixed wire loop positions.

After casting, the formwork and protection is removed and the wire loops are bent open. The patented wire remains in an opened position, making rebar installation easy.

A pair of WILORA® Connecting Rails together with the installed vertical rebar and the grouting material create a joint that is resistant to shear and tensile forces. The option to use both thixotropic and normal grout makes WILORA® Connecting Rail system suitable for a wide range of applications. 

1250 mm long WILORA® Connecting Rails are available in 20 mm and 50 mm heights.

WILORA® Connecting Rail


2D and 3D Detailing Components

We have created 2D and 3D detailing components for designers, including several 2D blocks, 3D custom components and connection plugins for different modelling applications. Choose the tools for your design software!

Our modelling tools

Tekla plugins

We have a selection of plugins available for Tekla users.

Peikko libraries in ProdLib services

ProdLib add-ons for AutoCAD and Revit include libraries of Peikko's products to be placed into your designs.

Contact us

Triaskin Dmytro

Triaskin Dmytro

Managing Director

Mob. +65 8809 0173
[email protected]

Martin Rusko

Martin Rusko

Senior Structural Engineer

Mob. +60 11 3667 3089
[email protected]